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Please download this form prior to completion and submission. New Enrolments for swimmers will be taken in the last week of each term and in the first week of the holiday break.
Download PDF BrochureThis Baby Swim timetable is a guideline only and subject to change. Revised timetable published prior to new term commencing.
Download PDF BrochureSportsMed Subiaco offer Strength and Conditioning Classes at our gym facilities.
Download PDF BrochureSportsMed Subiaco offers a variety of exercise options for all life stages and various conditions. The exercises are both land-based and water-based depending on your preference or needs and are supervised by physiotherapists.
Download PDF BrochureSportsMed Subiaco physiotherapists can provide inpatient and outpatient treatments for the following common breast issues after giving birth.
Download PDF BrochurePelvic health physiotherapy assessment and management for women through all life stages including continence, prolapse, pelvic pain and sexual pain.
Download PDF BrochureThe childbearing year is a time that the female body undergoes many changes. A women’s health physiotherapist may be able to help you with these changes, and recovery both antenatally and postnatally.
Download PDF BrochureReturn to sport protocol for children 18 years of age and under.
Download PDF BrochureReturn to sport protocol for adults over 18 years of age.
Download PDF BrochurePracticing good sleeping habits is an important part of concussion management.
Download PDF BrochureThis concussion management flow chart provides references to on-field signs of concussion and red flags.
Download PDF BrochureA concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that may cause a range of physical and cognitive symptoms.
Download PDF BrochureSports Podiatry is a branch of Podiatric Medicine that deals in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of foot/lower limb injuries in sport and exercise.
Download PDF BrochureSportsMed Subiaco have been manufacturing custom made orthotics for our clients for close to two decades.
Download PDF BrochurePlatelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a means of manipulating the patient’s own blood to make use of its healing properties and introduce these into an area that has failed to heal itself over time.
Download PDF BrochureOur sports doctors now offer injection therapy using ultrasound-guided technology, providing immediate results at the time of consultation.
Download PDF BrochureSportsMed Subiaco offers a specialised exercise class for those who have undergone a hip, knee or ankle joint replacement.
Download PDF BrochureAustralian football is a contact sport that often results in injuries from tackling, kicking, running, hand-balling, marking and constant physical competition for the ball.
Download PDF BrochureBaseball injuries rank 13th (for children) and 16th (for adults) in terms of sport and recreation injury presentations to Australian hospital emergency departments.
Download PDF BrochureBasketball is a dynamic game of speed with frequent and aggressive body contacts that can result in injury. Popular in Australia, players of all ages and skill levels participate.
Download PDF BrochureCricket is a popular summer sport in Australia that has seen the pace, hazards and player expectations of the game increase over the years.
Download PDF BrochureSnowboarding is a popular sport with an estimated participant growth rate of 20% per year. The rate of injury for snowboarding is 4 injuries per 1,000 days.
Download PDF BrochureFootball places many demands on the technical and physical skills of players. Players accelerate, decelerate, jump, cut, pivot, kick and head the ball, all of which can result in injury.
Download PDF BrochureRegular golf can offer a range of health benefits – improving stamina, cardio fitness and muscular endurance. Risk of injury is low compared to other sports, however injuries do occur.
Download PDF BrochureDue to the exciting, energetic and challenging nature of gymnastics, injuries may occur, as is the case with any physical activity. Correct management of these helps prevent re-injury.
Download PDF BrochureHockey places many demands on the technical and physical skills of players. Players accelerate, decelerate and change direction all whilst trying to hit, pass, stop/trap or dribble the ball.
Download PDF BrochureNetball places many demands on the technical and physical skills of players, with injuries occurring predominantly to the lower leg, wrist, hand and fingers.
Download PDF BrochureRugby League involves players accelerating, decelerating, changing direction, tackling, passing, catching and kicking. The speed and contact nature of the game can result in injury.
Download PDF BrochureRunning is a popular fitness activity because of its health benefits, affordability and convenience, however running can cause injuries, often due to overtraining.
Download PDF BrochureSquash is a high impact sport requiring quick movement around the court, whilst maintaining ball placement and awareness of ball position, racquets and other players.
Download PDF BrochureSwimming is a popular activity as it is low impact and can be enjoyed by people of all ages both indoors and outdoors for fun, fitness or competition.
Download PDF BrochureRecent research suggests that lacerations account for almost half of all surfing injuries. Sprains account for over a quarter of all injuries followed by dislocations and fractures.
Download PDF BrochureTennis is a sport that can be played on a variety of surfaces from grass to hard court. Requiring speed, power, endurance, balance and coordination which can result in injury.
Download PDF BrochureVolleyball places many demands on the technical and physical skills of players. The game brings many health benefits however injuries can and do occur.
Download PDF BrochureRegular walking will improve your overall health and fitness. Just 30 minutes a day can increase cardiovascular fitness, bone strength and muscle power.
Download PDF BrochureSwimming is a balancing act requiring extreme positions to produce force without drag. If your body cant adopt these extreme positions you’re more likely to get injured.
Download PDF BrochureHere's some land-based general strengthening exercises to help you in the pool. These exercises are not intended to replace any existing programs from your coach or trainer.
Download PDF BrochureTry these stretches daily prior to your swim holding for 30 to 60 seconds. Its important you find what works for you and use them to form a structured pool-side warmup.
Download PDF BrochureSportsMed Subiaco offers a variety of exercising options for pregnant women and new mothers wanting to maintain their fitness and strength during this special time.
Download PDF BrochureSportsMed Subiaco proudly offers Baby Dolphins, a reputable water safety and learn to swim program for parents and their children.
Download PDF BrochureSportsMed Subiaco has created a safe & effective Cardiac Rehabilitation Program for individuals who have experienced a cardiac event or undergone cardiac surgery.
Download PDF BrochureClinical Pilates is a form of stability training designed and directed by specially-trained physiotherapists to restore optimal spinal control and alignment during movement.
Download PDF BrochureSportsMed Subiaco offers physiotherapist supervised and unsupervised sessions in our state-of the-art hydrotherapy centre. Our indoor heated hydrotherapy pool is specifically designed for rehabilitation and is equipped with an array of exercise equipment and floating devices to ensure a challenging but enjoyable experience.
Download PDF BrochureIn order to suspend your membership you must complete a membership suspension form and submit it to reception.
Download PDF BrochureSportsMed Subiaco offers a variety of membership options for patrons of the gym, pool and/or pilates studio who wish to continue using these facilities independently.
SportsMed Subiaco offers a specialised exercise class for those concerned with bone health, have low bone density or have been diagnosed with osteoporosis.
Download PDF BrochurePregnancy massage is a relaxing, nurturing therapy providing a soothing touch to help release the emotional & physical tension commonly experienced during pregnancy.
Download PDF BrochurePlantar Fasciitis (or fasciopathy) is a condition of pain and tissue damage at the attachment of the plantar fascia to the underside of the calcaneus (heel bone).
Download PDF BrochureSprains to the ankle are one of the most common sporting injuries. A sprain is defined as a tearing of the ligaments that connect bone to bone and help stabilise the joint.
Download PDF BrochureShin pain is characterised by pain in and around the tibia (shin bone) in the lower leg and usually occurs as a result of a sudden increase in the frequency, duration and/or intensity of activity.
Download PDF BrochureThe Gastrocnemius muscle is a powerful superficial muscle located at the back of the lower leg and is involved in standing, walking, running and jumping.
Download PDF BrochureAchilles Tendinopathy is a chronic, yet common condition in sports people and recreational athletes. Recent research has revealed valuable information for further treatment options.
Download PDF BrochurePatellofemoral Pain is an umbrella term used to describe pain that arises from in and around the knee joint, more specifically, between the kneecap and the underlying thigh bone.
Download PDF BrochureThe knee is one of the most complex joints in the human body. As many sports place extreme stress on the knee, it is also one of the most common sites for sports injuries.
Download PDF BrochureInjuries to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) are relatively common in sport. Historically, serious injuries to the ACL have prematurely halted sporting careers.
Download PDF BrochureHamstring strains are most common among sports that require a high degree of speed, power and agility as the hamstring muscles are very susceptible to tears and strains.
Download PDF BrochureQuadriceps contusion or a ‘cork thigh’, as it is commonly known, is the result of a severe impact to the thigh which consequently compresses against the hard surface of the femur.
Download PDF BrochureThe Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint is a common site of injury particularly for athletes involved in contact and collision sports such as AFL and rugby, and throwing sports such as shotput.
Download PDF BrochureOne of the most common causes of lower back pain is disc injury. Diagnosis followed by medical and physiotherapy management facilitates recovery and minimises the risk of recurrence.
Download PDF BrochureConcussion is a complex physiological process affecting the brain due to a direct or indirect blow to the head, face, neck or body causing an impulsive force transmitted to the head.
Download PDF BrochureThe biggest risk factor for soft tissue injury is a previous injury. A player returning from injury or illness should refrain from activity until declared fit to play by a sports medicine professional.
Download PDF BrochureMyofascial Pain Syndromes (MPS) are defined as musculoskeletal pain disorders caused by one or more myofascial trigger points and their associated reflexes.
Download PDF BrochureA recent study found that 88% of female adolescents wore a bra during sport that did not fit correctly, while 85% failed a simple knowledge test on bras and bra fit.
Download PDF BrochureSports injuries to the eye can range from external bruising to loss of vision. With vigilance, and preventive measures, the number of these eye injuries can be dramatically reduced.
Download PDF BrochureBlood supply to the head is abundant, so any injury to the face or mouth bleeds profusely. For dental/mouth injuries, blood mixing with saliva increases the risk of blood-borne infection.
Download PDF BrochureAsthma is the narrowing of the airways due to spasm and/or swelling of the airway walls, making breathing difficult. There may also be an accumulation of mucus and fluid in the airways, contributing to the narrowing of the airways.
Download PDF BrochureMon-Fri: 8am – 6pm
Mon-Fri: 7am – 7pm
Sat: 8am – 6pm
Sun: 9am – 12noon
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Sat-Sun: 9am – 5pm
Mon-Fri: 8.15 – 9.15am
Mon/Wed/Thur/Fri: 4 – 5pm
Tue: 9.15 – 10.15am
Sat: 7.50 – 8.50am
Mon-Fri: 6.45 – 7.30am
Mon-Fri: 7.30 – 8.15am
Mon-Fri: 5 – 6pm
Mon/Tue/Wed/Fri: 12.05 – 1pm